Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Lunacy Continues...

SF Supervisors Finoa Ma and Jake McGoldrick want to ban smoking at transit (bus) stops and golf courses. Now, you may be asking yourself what the hell a bus stop and a golf course have in common. I did. Turns out the measure started out as a ban on smoking at bus stops. Fair enough. Then comes along Jake McGoldrick, and in his infinite wisdom, decides that "banning smoking at bus stops would constitute class inequality. It’s usually people that have lesser income that are using the bus stop and people with greater income that use the golf course".

Now, I'm a golfer. And I've played every public course in San Francisco multiple times. I can assure you - as sure as I'm sitting here in front of my computer right now - that Mr. McGoldrick has never played a single round of golf at Harding, Lincoln, or Sharp Park. If he had, he would know that the duffers at these courses are the same people who ride the bus, myself included. How he decided that only rich people play golf and only poor people ride the bus is a perfect example of how out of touch this idiot is from the real world the rest of us live in. McGoldrick should stop watching Caddyshack and start spending time with the citizens of SF.

I wish that just once, McGoldrick would realize that the time and money wasted on trying to create some kind of socialist utopian society does nothing to help the citizens of San Francisco go about their daily lives. This is another PERFECT example of how the Board of Supervisors wastes my property tax money again and again. I've got a great idea - how about drafting a measure to fill the city's pot holes? Or how about drafting a measure to clean up the streets in Chris Daly's district (including the drug dealers and prostitutes, err... the disadvantaged and underprivileged).


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