Friday, October 13, 2006

Playing Fair

I love the fact that there seems to be a stir in the blogsphere around the District 6 election. I found some other blogs that are both for and against Chris Daly. The best one I've found so far against Daly is here. There is another one in favor of Daly here.

It goes without saying that I think Daly is a joke and does nothing to improve the world we live in. Had he chosen a career in professional politics anywhere other than District 6, he would have been laughted out of the room. The Daly Show blog does a perfect job of visually showing why Daly is a joke - but they forgot the picutures of the whore houses, err, massage parlors that litter Daly's neighborhood.


Blogger Martha Bridegam said...

Why does the entire campaign against Chris Daly this season seem to be predicated on running down our neighborhoods in District Six and trying to persuade us that we shouldn't enjoy living where we live?

10/22/2006 1:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree - everyone should enjoy where they live. Otherwise, live somewhere else! And if you enjoy stepping over human feces on your sidewalk, god bless you.

I know there is plenty of good in D6, but this district also represents everything that is ugly in SF. The "massage parlors", the drug dealing, the homeless, the filth, etc.

Daly likes to push legislation that affects all San Franciscans. As a home owning, tax paying resident, I resent new bond measures pushed by Daly that fund some new "pie-in-the-sky" program when we should be spending money instead on cleaning up D6.

10/23/2006 2:35 PM  
Blogger Martha Bridegam said...

1) I live in District Six South of Market. Our sidewalks could be tidier maybe, and I do wish DPW would clean the actual streets at the times DPT is ticketing for "street cleaning," but this repetitive (and interestingly Freudian) claim of yours about having to constantly "step over" pee and poo is dishonest. I wear sandals with socks regularly and I think I would notice. If there's a problem it's the lack of police patrols on the alleys. The police need to stop spending their time harassing slow-moving poor people and start putting a little energy into catching the fast-moving professional thieves who have been getting into our cars lately.

2) It's telling that you include "the homeless" in your list of "everything that is ugly in SF." Homeless people aren't things. They're human beings as capable of beauty as anyone else. It's greed and inequality that are ugly. You can find greed and inequality all over this city. Very poor people are your fully enfranchised neighbors and fellow citizens with as much right to enter public space, participate in civic life and receive city services as you have.

3) If you're so worried about pee and poo on the sidewalk, why aren't you campaigning for the city to provide public bathrooms, with attendants to keep them clean and safe? Or do you simply want to use the "pee and poo" imputation to pretend that very poor people aren't fully human?

"Helpsfo," I'm still getting the impression that you don't really like District Six any better than you like its incumbent supervisor. If you do live in this district, I'm guessing you would rather live somewhere else. It's a pity. You should give us a chance. I wish you'd look up, not down, the next time you walk around here. See the faces, the murals, the shop signs, the street trees... or come to the Civic Center farmer's market. There's one tomorrow (Wednesday) and Fuyu persimmons are in season. Really, there's a whole big world above waist level. It's worth seeing.

10/24/2006 11:56 PM  

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